Menschen, die sich beklagen, dass sie nicht immer das bekommen, was sie wollen, können froh sein, dass sie nicht immer das bekommen, was sie verdienen.


Es gibt einen Studiengang der heißt disaster, und wenn man damit einen master macht hat man den master of disaster

ich habe mir zu wheinachten ein spiel gewümscht und habe die straffe dafür das ich zu viel zocke aber es nie akzeptiert habe und weniger gezockt habe bekommen indem ic wir nen Daumen mit ner kreisäge beim holzsägen komplett abgesägt habe und das mit 16.

G. G.----eine prima Antwort

Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever? Boy: no Girl: do you even like me? Boy: no Girl: would you cry if I walked away Boy: no She'd heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes The boy grabbed her arm Boy: you're not pretty...... You're beautiful Boy: i don't want to be with you forever..... I need to be with you forever Boy: i don't like you...... I love you Boy: i wouldn't cry if you walked away...... I die if you walked away Boy whispered: please stay with me Girl: i will *tonight at midnight your true love will realize he/she loves you *something good will happen to you at 1-4pm *tomorrow it could happen anywhere! *get ready for the shock of your life! *if you don't repost this to 5other comments...... You will have badluck in relationships for the next 10yearsWARNING IF YOU STOP READING YOU WILL DIE TONIGHT. Hi I'm B.. I'm 11 years old but I'm dead now. I had no friends... If you do not post this to 20 pictures you will die tonight at exactly 11:59pm. DON'T BELIEVE ME? A guy named B. read this and laughed later that night I took a knife from his kitchen and stabbed him to death. You don't wanna be B. do you? A girl named B. posted it to only 10 pictures SILLY GIRL SHE'S ONLY 11 BUT OH WELL. That day she saw me and ran to her grandma's house... She asked her could she use her bathroom and killed her ! This isnt fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or im sorry 11 min. · Vind ik leuk Step 1- kiss your hand Step 2- say your crushes name Step 3- close your hand Step 4- say a week day Step 5- say your name Step 6- open your hand Step 7- repost this to 15 other pictures Results- your crush will say they like you on the day you choose

..ich denke es bekommt jeder mal die strafe die er sich verdient hat..!!

Das ist wahr



der Spruch ist mal richtig klasse

Und wie!!-.-

Menschen, die nicht bekommen, was sie wollen, machen etwas Entscheidendes falsch. ;)

Hast recht

M. Spruch!

Da würden sich manche ganz schön umschauen...

Gott sei Dank bekomm ich nicht das was ich verdiene :D

Hech na basha dushmadim ??????


Hehehe ?


Made My Day

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